Author Archives: Jon Bartholomeusz


Now that I have done Rocktape Training modules1 & 2, I am now a certified Rock Doc…..but you can still call me Jon ;0).

“What is ROCKTAPE” I hear your scream…here’s the skinny.

1. It’s an adhesive kinesiology tape

2. Turns down the volume on pain…lifts the skin away from the muscle, which promotes positive changes in the bodies fluid, mechanical and neurological systems. Commonly people wearing Rocktape report less pain, swelling and tightness, greater awareness of the area and later onset of fatigue.

3. It normalizes muscle tone. When someone is injured, fatigued, sick, or inflamed, the symphony of muscle action that normally takes place with great accuracy often falls out of tune. This can happen all over the body. For instance, people who sprain their ankle tend to have altered activity of their hip as a result. RockTape can help bring dormant muscle back to life and help calm down the overactive muscles. It helps your body coordinate movement as if it weren’t hurt, hence allowing it to heal properly.

4. It spreads physical stress. Unlike conventional taping which is meant to prevent any movement at all, RockTape is meant to allow full movement of the taped area. It can help distribute forces to other nearby areas through the fascia, ligaments, and even bones.


What’s a Dry Needle?

Everything you wanted to know about Dry Needling and were too afraid to ask!

I am now a qualified Myotherapist which means that I have a few new techniques in my “kit bag” to help you through your pain and getting you back on track.

One of those powerful therapies is Myofascial Dry Needling.



What is Dry Needling?….Does it work?….Does it hurt? I am often asked about the “mysteries” of Myofascial Dry Needling and so here’s the skinny.

In short it is a highly effective therapy for the treatment of many muscle pathologies.

Dry Needling causes a micro injury stimulating the nervous system to release neurochemicals, such as Endorphins and Corticosteroids; the immune system brings white blood cells to the injured area and red blood cells carrying oxygen and nutrients.

There are many similarities, however, it is based on Western medical principles and research.

Most patients do not feel the insertion of the needle. There may be a very brief painful response.

Yes. There are many different types of needles available of varying qualities which can effect your experience. I only use the very best, Australian made (SINGLE USE) needles.

Mild soreness is a common after the procedure.

In Australia, dry needling is a relatively new method for treating myofascial pain and not everyone is aware of this modality.

It’s all about your posture…

About 70% of my clients have muscular issues that relate to their posture.  So it’s time to change the way you look & feel. 

Slumping your shoulders doesn’t just make you resemble one of our long-extinct ancestors— if you don’t stand up straight, no amount of exercise will give you the hot bod you’re after.


Here’s why: Over time, poor posture takes a serious toll on your spine, shoulders, hips, and knees. In fact, it can cause a cascade of structural flaws that lead to back and joint pain, reduced flexibility, and compromised muscles, all of which limit your ability to burn fat and build strength.

But you can head off all these problems by taking this simple self assessment.

Self assess your posture
Wear something form-fitting and take two full-body photos—one from the front, one from the side.  Relax your muscles and stand in your ‘default’ position, feet hip-width apart.  Do not try and stand in a good posture yet!  You need to see your current posture in all its glory.

1 Look at your ear. If it’s in front of the midpoint of your shoulder, your head is too far forward.

2 Can you see your shoulder blade? That means your back is too rounded.

3 If your hips tilt forward and you have a belly (even if you don’t have an ounce of fat on your body) and your lower spine is arched significantly, this means you have an anterior pelvic tilt.

4 Look at your shoulders. One shouldn’t appear higher than the other.

5 Check out your kneecaps. Do they point inward, causing your knees to touch when your legs are straightened?

6 See if you’re duck-footed. Your toes will point outward more than 10 degrees.



The problem Stiff muscles in the back of your neck

The fix Moving only your head, drop your chin down and in toward your sternum while stretching the back of your neck. Hold for a count of five; do this 10 times a day.


The problem Weakness in the middle and lower parts of your trapezius (the large muscle that spans your shoulders and back)

The fix Lie facedown on the floor, with each arm at a 90-degree angle in the high-five position. Without changing your elbow angle, raise both arms by pulling your shoulders back and squeezing your shoulder blades together. Hold for five seconds. That’s one rep; do two or three sets of 12 reps daily.


The problem Tight hip flexors

The fix Kneel on your left knee, with your right foot on the floor in front of you, knee bent. Press forward until you feel the stretch in your left hip. Tighten your butt muscles on your left side until you feel the front of your hip stretching comfortably. Reach upward with your left arm and stretch to the right side. Hold for a count of 30 seconds. That’s one repetition; do three on each side.


The problem The muscle under your chest (running from your ribs to your shoulder blades) is weak.

The fix Sit upright in a chair with your hands next to your hips, palms down on the seat, arms straight. Without moving your arms, push down on the chair until your hips lift up off the seat and your torso rises. Hold for five seconds. That’s one repetition; do two or three sets of 12 reps daily.


The problem Weak glutes (butt muscles)

The fix Lie on one side with your knees bent 90 degrees and your heels together. Keeping your hips still, raise your top knee upward, separating your knees like a clamshell. Pause for five seconds, then lower your knee to the starting position. That’s one rep. Perform two or three sets of 12 reps on each side daily.


The problem Your oblique muscles and hip flexors are weak.

The fix Get into a pushup position with your feet resting on a stability ball. Without rounding your lower back, tuck your knees under your torso, using your feet to roll the ball toward your body, then back to the starting position. That’s one rep. Do two or three sets of six to 12 reps daily.

Runners are an Interesting Breed – 3 Great Stretches

RUNNERS are an interesting breed of fitness enthusiasts…a competitive group of individuals prone to taking their bodies beyond the limit. Running uses most muscles in the body but I would like to focus on the legs….quite difficult to run without them except for superhuman like Oscar Pistorius (current spot of trouble excluded)…enough waffle…(drum roll)…..

STANDING LEG UP HAMSTRING STRETCH..find a park bench or a structure about 30-40cm off the ground and put one leg on this object. Point your toes straight up and maintain a straight leg. Then slowly lean forward, bending at the hips, to attempt to touch your toes.

standing leg up hs stretch

THE KNEELING DOWN ACHILLES STRETCH will lengthenout the Soleus which is a powerhouse through your lower leg…To do this stretch kneel on one foot and rest your body on your leg. Make sure your back leg is at 90 degrees to start with. Then slowly lean forward whilst keeping your heel on the ground.

kneeling quad stretch …and last but not least (there are many more contact me if you are interested in finding out)….

KNEELING QUAD STRETCH will lengthen the four quadricep muscles as well as stretching some hip flexors. Stand kneeling from the last stretch and widen your stance a little future. Simply push forward with your hips and you should feel the stretch down the front of your leg.

kneeling heel down achilles stretch

Hydration, Hydration, Hydration!


Good ‘ol H2O is incredibly important for your body as you all know…2.5 litres a day…make it a habit….you can get some great FREE apps that remind you and track your consumption…try this one…there are plenty more

It’s vital to drink plenty after a massage as it helps to flush the toxins that are released from your cells. When you receive a massage, cell waste (which is already in your system) gets released at a more rapid rate than normal.

Your body has to deal with the larger amount of material within the same amount of time, and that is what can cause you to feel tired, sick, or sore afterward.



However, always remember that while stretching may be recommended to aid recovery out of injury, you should always be very careful when stretching through rehabilitation.

Your soft tissues are likely to be more vulnerable to re-injury if you stretch too much or too hard during this time. Always check with your Health Care Professional who is guiding you through your recovery to make sure it is appropriate to start stretching, and pase follow these simple guidelines.

stretching male

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Jon Bartholomeusz

November 30, 2013

Our cricketing heroes from bygone eras seem to have a short term memory when it comes to sledging and could never be accused of standing back…THE STANDING, BACK ROTATION STRETCH will loosen up the obliques and reduce the possibility of injury due to stress and strain during bowling. Continue reading