what is myotherapy?
Myotherapy is practiced by a specialist health practitioner who is trained to assess, treat & prevent specific somatic dysfunction & various musculoskeletal pathologies.
Treatment may involve various modalities that enhance the restoration & recovery from these conditions via treatment of soft tissue. For example; muscle, fascia & associated structure.
Myotherapy is a specialised manual therapy with a scope of practice aimed at treating & managing the soft tissues of the body.
These soft tissues include muscular & connective tissues & their intra & interactions with body systems.
A Myotherapist uses underpinning knowledge of anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, biomechanics & pathology to understand the relationships between the myofascia (muscles & related connective tissues), but also how the muscles & connective tissues relate to other systems of the body.
Myotherapists uses clinical examination skills, to locate the sources of symptoms & identify dysfunctions.
They also use high level communication, clinical reasoning, problem solving & planning skills to design and implement treatment & management programs.
Where symptoms or dysfunctions exist, treatment aims to normalise sensation & function. Additionally, where no symptoms exist, management aims to optimise function, posture & movement. Normalising includes the relief of pain & the return of normal sensation, posture & movement.
A person receiving a Myotherapy treatment can expect to complete a detailed client history form, they can expect to be thoroughly assessed with various muscle, joint and neurological testing combined with manual palpation of muscles and joints. The aim of the Myotherapist is to identify a person’s pain and to treat it with various soft tissue manipulation techniques, together with other modalities such as trigger point therapy, dry needling, deep tissue massage, hot and cold therapies, passive/active muscle stretching, electro-mechanical stimulation and corrective rehabilitative exercises